Teamspeakdisplay queries your Teamspeak server and displays the channels and players in it on your website with an option to join the server, channel, or subchannel by clicking a link.
Teamspeakdisplay for Dragonfly is an original Dragonfly module and blocks based on the Teamspeak Display Preview Release 3 TS2 server query classes originally written by Guido van Biemen (
This module includes an original module display, and two original Dragonfly blocks to display TS2 server and channel status.
The first block is static, and loads as a normal block.
The second is more novel, and uses a dynamically resizing iframe so the block can be refreshed without reloading the page. It has been tested to work with IE and Firefox (Opera users see a message and link in the block directing them to the module page. Opera doesn't size the iframe right or do frame tranparency.)
Teamspeakdisplay for Dragonfly is available free of charge from the Clenched Fist Guild download site, as well as from the Dragonfly CMS community site:
Download from Clenched Fist
Download from Dragonfly CMS community site
In addition, it is useful to have a working knowledge of a good FTP program as well as a basic understanding on how to edit a PHP file in order to change the configuration options.
Teamspeakdisplay for Dragonfly is Copyright © 2005, David "Dark Grue" Hesprich.
This software is licensed under the CC-GNU GPL.