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Qeynos Real Estate Guide

Welcome to the Qeynos Real Estate Guide! If you already read through the Freeport Real Estate Guide, you will know that I actually toured Qeynos extensively for the first time ever in order to gather information about the housing options in the great city of Queen Antonia Bayle for this guide. I once snuck my Dark Elf Defiler into Elddar Grove in an attempt to use the broker, but that was as far as I had traveled in Qeynos until now. For this tour, I had to create a Wood Elf Priest and start anew. I found Qeynos to be a beautiful city bustling with activity and full of life. While my roots reside in Freeport and that is definitely my home I can say I appreciate Qeynos for it's differences. Like Freeport, I was astounded by the great beauty of the housing options here. Freeport housing styles are naturally darker, which is more to my taste. Qeynos styles are still beautiful in their own ways though, especially with more color and light addition.

If you are new to Norrath, you too probably noticed that you receive a free one room apartment upon exiting the Isle of Refuge. All that is required of you to keep this room is five silver pieces per week in upkeep; no initial purchase is required. You can decorate the room to your liking and even allow friends to be guests or trustees. Whether or not you are new to Qeynos, though, you might find it interesting that the opportunities for home ownership extend much further than the confines of the one-room apartments here.

Like with my Freeport tour I was amazed and very impressed by what is offered in housing options, as well as the attention to detail in some of the interior design I observed. A few points to note about interior design; all types of houses hold roughly 100 objects/furniture per room. You can also change the look of the walls and floors in your home by moving your mouse over the surface you wish to modify, then double clicking to see the various options and prices. Once again, special thanks to the Qeynos citizens on the Unrest and Najena servers who allowed visitors into their homes!

In this guide I will run through the housing options from smallest to biggest, complete with thumbnail images of both empty homes and decorated ones, as well as a few outdoor shots of the larger homes. You will also find a comprehensive price sheet (completed to the best of my knowledge from my tour). Prices will vary depending on location and guild status, while upkeep can vary depending on which types of items are used. For example, some home furnishings reduce the status-point cost for home upkeep, as do pets. In this guide, though, you will get the initial idea.

One Room Apartments

One room apartments are available in every starting village in Qeynos. All of the one room apartments are located in the inns in Nettleville Hovel, The Willow Wood, Graystone Yard, Starcrest Commune, The Baubbleshire, and Castleview Hamlet. Upon leaving the Isle of Refuge, your quest journal will guide you through the process of locating your Inn room in the appropriate village. You do not need to initially purchase this room; it's free for everyone. However, you will be required to pay five silver pieces a week in upkeep to be able to keep entering your room. If you do not pay your upkeep your room does not disappear, you just won't be able to enter it. As soon as your upkeep is paid again, you will be allowed to enter your home and all of your items will still be contained inside.

One room apartments in Qeynos feature pretty windows that reflect amazing light and a few different options in flooring and wall framing. A few things to note about one room apartments: They can hold 100 pieces of furniture/decor/objects, so decorating is still fun and there is a lot you can do with your room. You can also set up your bulletin board in your room, and up to two players can be using the bulletin board at one time to become vendors. You have a house vault in a one room apartment for storage. Later on you will have the ability to sell things out of your house vault while out adventuring or offline.

  • Purchase price: 0. Upkeep: 5 silver/week

Below are some pictures of both empty and decorated one room apartments. Click the thumbnails for the larger versions.

Two Room Suites

Two room suites in Qeynos are very beautiful. They feature two spacious rooms with a big open doorway between them. Both rooms have lots of windows where the light pours in, making for wonderful lighting effects. The rooms are very big and you can fit a ton of furniture in both of them, leaving you with the opportunity to make it appear to be more than two rooms using bookshelves or counters as dividers. I found two room suites in South Qeynos, North Qeynos, and in Qeynos Harbor. Like Freeport, the rooms closest to the broker, the docks, and blackmarket broker in Qeynos Harbor were the most expensive to purchase and maintain. You can purchase two room suites for straight cash, or with less cash if you have guild status to contribute. If you are looking to upgrade from your one room apartment and take up residence in one of the beautiful inns in the city, you might enjoy touring the two room suites. Two room suites will hold 200 pieces of furniture and have the capability of utilizing four merchants at a time on the bulletin board. Below you can read about the prices for these lovely suites according to location and status:

  • South Qeynos: Lion's Mane Inn - 2 Room Suite (version1) - Purchase Price: 12 gold, 80 silver. Upkeep: 1 gold, 28 silver. (*No status required)
  • South Qeynos: Lion's Mane Inn - 2 Room Suite (version2) - Purchase Price: 6 gold, 40 silver, 21333 status. Upkeep: 64 silver, 2133 status.
  • North Qeynos: Irontoe's East - 2 Room Suite (version1) - Purchase Price: 6 gold, 40 silver. Upkeep: 64 silver. (*No status required)
  • North Qeynos: Irontoe's East - 2 Room Suite (version2) - Purchase Price: 3 gold, 20 silver, 21333 status. Upkeep: 32 silver, 2133 status.
  • Qeynos Harbor: Fish's Alehouse - 2 Room Luxury Apartment (version1) - Purchase Price: 19 gold, 20 silver. Upkeep: 1 gold, 92 silver. (*No status required)
  • Qeynos Harbor: Fish's Alehouse - 2 Room Luxury Apartment (version2) - Purchase Price: 9 gold, 60 silver, 63999 status. Upkeep: 96 silver, 6399 status.

Click the thumbnails below to view larger pictures of both empty and decorated two room suites.

Three Room Houses

Three room houses consist of one large main room, a doorway to a main floor outdoor room/patio, and an upstairs room. All of the three room homes are in South Qeynos and are designated by street and location. My favorite part about the three room houses was the outdoor streets and overall look of the homes (see thumbnails). It reminded me of pictures of a small village in France with thin narrow streets and beautiful townhomes close to each other running along sides of the streets. The outdoor rooms in these houses are pretty cool. They compare to a partially-covered patio with awnings above them. The upstairs room is also very pretty and spacious with lots of light flooding through the windows. The doorway from the top of the stairwell to this room is neat, as you enter from a "french door" style doorway. Three room homes can hold 300 pieces of furniture/objects and have up to six merchants selling on the bulletin board at a time. You can see below the differences in price and status based on location and which model you choose based on the outdoor look of the home:

  • South Qeynos: Tranquil Way - 3 Room House (version1) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver. (*No status required)
  • South Qeynos: Tranquil Way - 3 Room House (version2) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver. (*No status required)
  • South Qeynos: Tranquil Way - 3 Room House (version3) - Purchase Price: 12 platinum, 28 gold, 80 silver. Upkeep: 1 platinum, 22 gold, 88 silver. (*No status required)
  • South Qeynos: Karana Court - 3 Room House (version1) - Purchase Price: 3 platinum, 7 gold, 20 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 30 gold, 77 silver, 51200 status.
  • South Qeynos: Karana Court - 3 Room House (version2) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver, 51200 status.
  • South Qeynos: Karana Court - 3 Room House (version3) - Purchase Price: 6 platnum, 14 gold, 40 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver, 51200 status.
  • South Qeynos: Lucie Street - 3 Room House (version1) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver. (*No status required)
  • South Qeynos: Lucie Street - 3 Room House (version1) - Purchase Price: 3 platinum, 7 gold, 20 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 30 gold, 72 silver, 51200 status.
  • South Qeynos: Lucie Street - 3 Room House (version2) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver, 51200 status.
  • South Qeynos: Lucie Street - 3 Room House (version3) - Purchase Price: 6 platinum, 14 gold, 40 silver, 1024000 status. Upkeep: 61 gold, 44 silver, 51200 status.

Click on the thumbnails below to check out pictures of the outside of some of the three room houses in South Qeynos, as well as indoor shots of both decorated and empty homes.

A Qeynos Residence

These homes are tagged to be five rooms, but are actually seven. However, they still hold the 500 furniture/object limit and can have up to 12 vendors on the bulletin board at once. These houses are grand and beautiful estates that many large prestigious guilds would be very happy residing in. These Residences were my favorite part of the Qeynos tour. The main room when you enter the house is a very good indication of what you will see throughout this house. The entrance is a big beautiful room with high ceilings and a grand staircase to the upper floor. It also features stone archways and stained glass windows with light flooding through them. There is an additional room on the main floor that is good sized and would make a cool kitchen or bedroom. Climbing the staircase takes you to an upper floor that contains one small room, and one larger room much like the large room on the main floor. There is then another staircase to the very top floor which is a very large room fit for a ton of furniture. The ceiling in the top room is all glass and vaulted allowing for a ton of gorgeous light to peer in and giving the room a greenhouse feel. This was my favorite room in the house. You could use this room for just about anything, because it's huge. The basement contains one large "rec room" type area and one small room with a closed off doorway much like the similar house in Freeport. Like the three room houses, all of these large houses are in South Qeynos and vary by location in price. The most expensive ones are located on Bayle Court right near the entrance to the city by the mage tower. The houses on Bayle Court made me think of someone with lots of prestige and status being able to own them. They are one of the first sights to see in the city and they are grand, hence the increase in price. Below you can read about the differences in price and status according to location:

  • South Qeynos: Karana Court - A Qeynos Residence - Purchase Price: 24 platinum, 57 gold, 60 silver, 4096000 status. Upkeep: 2 platinum, 45 gold, 76 silver, 204800 status.
  • South Qeynos: Bayle Court - A Qeynos Residence - Purchase Price: 49 platinum, 15 gold, 20 silver, 4096000 status. Upkeep: 4 platinum, 91 gold, 25 silver, 204800 status.
  • South Qeynos: Erollisi Lane - A Qeynos Residence - Purchase Price: 24 platinum, 57 gold, 60 silver, 4096000 status. Upkeep: 2 platinum, 45 gold, 76 silver, 204800 status.

To check out pictures of the Qeynos Residences from the outside, as well as the insides, click the thumbnails. I didn't find any of these homes that allowed visitors, so all of the pictures are of empty houses. Enjoy!

Authors Note: I had a lot of fun doing this guide as well as the Freeport Guide. Before deciding to do these tours, I had not even been inside the two, three, and five room houses in Freeport, and had never even been this far into Qeynos. There are some extremely cool houses, and it leaves me to wonder where some of these home owners get so much money! I'm quite jealous. I still stand by my initial reaction when I first toured Freeport, though. My goal is to own a three room house there, as those were my favorite. All in all, the tour was educational and fun, and I took way too many screenshots! *grin*

If anyone has any information to add to the Freeport Real Estate Guide or the Qeynos Real Estate Guide, feel free to let me know via email. Also, if any owners of the five room houses in either city wants to send in screenshots (UI and chat windows off please) to be featured here, send me an email with those as well. Thanks for reading and happy house hunting!

For other decorating ideas or examples, you can check out the Better Homes and Hovels: A Tour of Inspirational Decorating thread on the official EQII boards.

Reposted from: http://eq2vault.ign.com/View.php?view=columns.Detail&category_select_id=3&id=365, accessed 06-28-2005 10:40 AM

Last modified: 2005-06-28 13:30:58 (22555 reads) Printer Friendly Page
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