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Monk Preliminary Epic Quests

NOTE: All items must be given AT THE SAME TIME. Items that are stackable should NOT be stacked when turning them in.

Sashes and headbands are lore items. Only one (of each color) may be on-person and/or banked at a time.

Qeynos Headband Quests Phin Esrinap
White Headband
STA +1, CHA +1
  • Gnoll Pup Scalp (Gnoll Pup)
  • Gnoll Pup Scalp (Gnoll Pup)
  • Gnoll Pup Scalp (Gnoll Pup)
  • Gnoll Pup Scalp (Gnoll Pup)
Yellow Headband
STA +1, CHA +1, AGI +1, HP +1
  • Putrid Rib Bones (Putrid Skeleton, Qeynos Hills)
  • Putrid Rib Bones (Putrid Skeleton, Qeynos Hills)
  • Putrid Rib Bones (Putrid Skeleton, Qeynos Hills)
  • White Headband
Orange Headband
STA +2, CHA +1, AGI +1, HP +2
  • Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt (Gnoll, Blackburrow)
  • Blackburrow Gnoll Pelt (Gnoll, Blackburrow)
  • Blackburrow Gnoll Skin (Gnoll Elite or Gnoll Commander, Blackburrow)
  • Yellow Headband
Togahn Sorast
Red Headband
DEX +1, STA +2, CHA +2, AGI +2, HP +2
  • Dareb's Skull (High Shaman Phido[1], South Karana)
  • Head of Shen (High Shaman Grisok[2], South Karana)
  • Head of Ghanex Drah (Ghanex Drah, South Karana)
  • Orange Headband
Purple Headband
DEX +1, STA +2, CHA +2, AGI +2, HP +3, AC +1
  • Skull of Jhen`Tra[3] (a gnoll embalmer, Lake Rathtear)
  • Dagger of Marnek[4] (the thamaturgist, Befallen)
  • Coronet of Buried Blood, a.k.a Zaharn's Coronet[5] (Goblin Priest Zaharn, Permafrost)
  • Red Headband

Freeport Sash Quests Velan Torresl
White Training Sash
STA +1, CHA +1
  • Deathfist Pawn Scalp (Deathfist Pawn)
  • Deathfist Pawn Scalp (Deathfist Pawn)
  • Snake Fang (any normal Snake)
  • Bone Chips (any Skeleton)
Yellow Sash of Order
STA +1, CHA +1, AGI +1, HP +1
  • Giant Snake Rattle (any Giant Snake)
  • Deathfist Slashed Belt (Orc Centurion)
  • Desert Tarantula Chitin (Desert Tarantula, North Ro)
  • White Sash
Reyia Beslin
Orange Sash of Order
STA +2, CHA +1, AGI +1, HP +2
  • Greater Lightstone
  • Cutthroat Insignia Ring (Dervish Cutthroat)
  • Legionnaire's Bracer (Orc Legionnaire)
  • Yellow Sash
Red Sash
DEX +1, STA +2, CHA +2, AGI +2, HP +2
  • Marnek's Wand, a.k.a. Blackened Wand[6] (Priest Amiaz, Befallen)
  • Sapphire of Souls, a.k.a. Blackened Sapphire[7] (Ekeros, Najena)
  • Orange Sash


[1] After killing Shaman Ren'Rex quite a few times, High Shaman Phido will spawn in his place.

[2] Killing Shaman Lenrel enough times will cause High Shaman Grisok to spawn as his replacement.

[3] Skull of Jhen`Tra; MAGIC ITEM, LORE, MANA +20, SV MAGIC +3, WT 2.5, Class: ALL, Race: ALL

[4] MAGIC ITEM, LORE, Dagger of Marnek; Piercing, Atk Delay 30, DMG 3, INT +3, MANA +15, WT 2.0, Range 40, Class: NEC, Race ALL

[5] Zaharn's Coronet; MAGIC ITEM, LORE, AC 5, STR +3, MANA +25, WT 5.0, Class: CLR, DRU, SHM, Race: HUM, BAR, ERU, ELF, HIE, DEF, HEF, DWF, HFL, GNM

[6] MAGIC ITEM, Blackened Wand; STA +1, SV MAGIC +5, WT 0.5, Class: NEC WIZ MAG ENC, Race: ALL

[7] MAGIC ITEM, Blackened Sapphire; STA +3, MANA +5, WT 0.1, Class: CLR SHD DRU ENC WIZ MAG ENC, Race: ALL

Copyright © 2001, Dark Grue.

Last modified: 2004-04-20 14:37:07 (26934 reads) Printer Friendly Page
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