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Player Guild and Faction Rewards

City of Freeport

Guild Level One:
  • an ancient idol (furniture item)
  • a magical zealot's tray (furniture item)
  • Leviathan Unbound (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Traitor's Insult (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Sylvan Triptych (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Simple Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Forge (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Male:
    • male tradesman boots (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman pants (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • Female:
    • female tradesman boots (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman pants (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman tunic (armor / clothing item)
Guild Level Five:
  • exquisite woven boots (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven pants (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven boots (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven pants (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • a post of skulls (furniture item)
  • Gnoma Obscura (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Siege of Gukta (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Ten:
  • exquisitely stitched robe (armor / clothing item)
  • a lion's palm table (furniture item)
  • Remains of Honor (a portrait by the renown C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Children of Thunder (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Her Royal Highness, Queen Higgbee (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Formed Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Forge (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Two Room Inn Rooms in the City can now be purchased at the Blood Haze Inn and the Jade Tiger Inn for status points and a greatly reduced coin cost.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Fifteen:
  • dragon fastened robe (armor / clothing item)
  • a statue of shadow's bane (furniture item)
  • an enchantress' mirror (furniture item)
  • Servant of the Storm (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Rivervale Remembered (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Worked Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Forge (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in West Freeport:
    • parade halasian draft horse whistle (mount item)
    • parade steppes pony whistle (mount item)
    • halasian draft horse whistle (mount item)
    • steppes pony whistle (mount item)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Twenty:
  • luminous vanguard barbute (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard cuirass (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard gauntlets (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard greaves (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard gussets (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard sabatons (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard spaulders (armor piece)
  • polished parade barbute (armor piece)
  • polished parade cuirass (armor piece)
  • polished parade gauntlets (armor piece)
  • polished parade greaves (armor piece)
  • polished parade gussets (armor piece)
  • polished parade sabatons (armor piece)
  • polished parade spaulders (armor piece)
  • a grobb tiki (furniture item)
  • Nagafen Lord of Flame (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Daughter of the Void (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Gnomish Dreams (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in West Freeport:
    • parade karana planestrider whistle (mount item)
    • parade misty mustang whistle (mount item)
    • karana planestrider whistle (mount item)
    • misty mustang whistle (mount item)
  • Three Room Houses in the City can now be purchased in North and South Freeport for status points and a greatly reduced coin cost.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Twenty-Five:
  • an oggok bone chime (furniture item)
  • Velious Mourns (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Exodus of the Knights of Marr (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Elaborate Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Forge (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in West Freeport:
    • parade rujarkian clydesdale whistle (mount whistle)
    • parade elddarian charger whistle (mount whistle)
    • rujarkian clydesdale whistle (mount whistle)
    • elddarian charger whistle (mount whistle)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
  • Male:
    • opulent male gold pantaloons (armor / clothing item)
    • opulent male gold shirt (armor / clothing item)
  • Female:
    • opulent female gold skirt (armor / clothing item)
    • opulent female gold blouse (armor / clothing item)
Guild Level Thirty:
  • the undertaker's throne (furniture item)
  • an orcish knight statue (furniture item)
  • Qeynos by Hasten Bootstrutter (A hand drawn map by Hasten Bootstrutter)
  • Freeport by Hasten Bootstrutter (A hand drawn map by Hasten Bootstrutter)
  • The Party Ends (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • The following new mount types will be available for purchase by all of the guild members for coin in North Freeport:
    • In the Academy of Arcane Science - maj'dul enchanted scroll (mount whistle)
    • In the Temple of War - undead mount summoner (mount whistle)
  • Five Room Houses in the City can now be purchased in North and South Freeport for status points and coin cost. Only level 30 player guilds will have access to these prestigious homes in the city.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
  • Male:
    • male formal wear (armor / clothing item)
    • Nobility: Male Freeport Knight (The 1st title of nobility, a furniture / title item)
  • Female:
    • female formal ensemble (armor / clothing item)
    • Nobility: Female Freeport Knight (The 1st title of nobility, a furniture / title item)
Academy of Arcane Science:
  • amiable faction reward list
    • Initiate: Academy of Arcane Sciences (a furniture / title item)
    • an academy canopic pot (furniture item)
    • a heretic's cauldron (furniture item)
    • an academy lab table (furniture item)
  • kindly faction reward list
    • Member: Academy of Arcane Sciences (a furniture / title item)
    • arcane scientist's gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • arcane scientist's robe (armor / clothing item)
    • arcane scientist's shoes (armor / clothing item)
    • an arcane lab distillery set (furniture item)
  • warmly faction reward list
    • arcane officer boots (armor / clothing item)
    • arcane officer gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • arcane officer robe (armor / clothing item)
    • a necromantic skull lamp (furniture item)
    • Officer: Academy of Arcane Sciences (a furniture / title item)
    • War of Fay: The Eve of Battle (a historical tome)
    • War of Fay: Armies Across the Sea (a historical tome)
    • War of Fay: Kaladim (a historical tome)
    • War of Fay: Crossing the Faydark (a historical tome)
    • War of Fay: Felwithe (a historical tome)
    • War of Fay: Death (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part One (a historical tome)
Coalition of Tradesfolke
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Coalition of Tradesfolke (a furniture / title item)
    • a neriak display stand (furniture item)
    • a merchant display cart (furniture item)
    • a freeport fire pot (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Coalition of Tradesfolke (a furniture / title item)
    • coalition forge boots (armor / clothing item)
    • coalition forge gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • coalition forge pants (armor / clothing item)
    • coalition forge top (armor / clothing item)
    • an ancient ark (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Coalition of Tradesfolke (a furniture / title item)
    • coalition negotiator boots (armor / clothing item)
    • coalition negotiator pantaloons (armor / clothing item)
    • coalition negotiator shirt (armor / clothing item)
    • a wailing bone cage (furniture item)
Dismal Rage
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Dismal Rage (a furniture / title item)
    • a heretic's chanting podium (furniture item)
    • an iron maiden casket (furniture item)
    • a human skeleton display (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Dismal Rage (a furniture / title item)
    • dismal rage chainmail boots (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail bracers (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail coat (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail coif (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail gloves (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail leggings (armor piece)
    • dismal rage chainmail mantle (armor piece)
    • a dismal orb of decadence (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Dismal Rage (a furniture / title item)
    • dismal officer breastplate (armor piece)
    • dismal officer gauntlets (armor piece)
    • dismal officer helm (armor piece)
    • dismal officer legplates (armor piece)
    • dismal officer pauldrons (armor piece)
    • dismal officer tonlets (armor piece)
    • dismal officer vambraces (armor piece)
    • a vivisection table (furniture item)
Freeport Militia
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Freeport Militia (a furniture / title item)
    • a hanging steel cage (furniture item)
    • a militia skull display shelf (furniture item)
    • a mount of a boar's head (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Freeport Militia (a furniture / title item)
    • freeport militia boots (armor piece)
    • freeport militia chestguard (armor piece)
    • freeport militia handguards (armor piece)
    • freeport militia helm (armor piece)
    • freeport militia leggings (armor piece)
    • freeport militia shoulder pads (armor piece)
    • freeport militia wristguards (armor piece)
    • "Fealty to Freeport" (furniture piece)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Freeport Militia (a furniture / title item)
    • militia officer barbute (armor piece)
    • militia officer cuirass (armor piece)
    • militia officer gauntlets (armor piece)
    • militia officer greaves (armor piece)
    • militia officer gussets (armor piece)
    • militia officer sabatons (armor piece)
    • militia officer spaulders (armor piece)
    • a dragon head fountain (furniture item)
Seafury Buccaneers
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Seafury Buccaneers (a furniture / title item)
    • an ornate weapon holder vase (furniture item)
    • a navigation wheel stand (furniture item)
    • a stabbed skull (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Seafury Buccaneers (a furniture / title item)
    • seafury leather boots (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather pants (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather skullcap (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather tunic (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury leather wristguards (armor / clothing item)
    • a small figurehead (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Seafury Buccaneers (a furniture / title item)
    • seafury officer boots (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer pants (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer skullcap (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer tunic (armor / clothing item)
    • seafury officer wristguards (armor / clothing item)
    • a mounted shark's head (furniture item)

City of Qeynos

Guild Level One:
  • an ornate basin (furniture item)
  • a desktop mirror (furniture item)
  • Leviathan Unbound (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Traitor's Insult (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Sylvan Triptych (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Simple Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Forge (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Simple Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 1st level product of a crafted item)
  • Male:
    • male tradesman boots (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman pants (armor / clothing item)
    • male tradesman tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • Female:
    • female tradesman boots (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman pants (armor / clothing item)
    • female tradesman tunic (armor / clothing item)
Guild Level Five:
  • exquisite woven boots (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven pants (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
  • exquisite woven tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven boots (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven pants (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven shoulder pads (armor / clothing item)
  • striking woven tunic (armor / clothing item)
  • a ruubika's cryptic cube (furniture item)
  • Gnoma Obscura (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Siege of Gukta (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Ten:
  • exquisitely stitched robe (armor / clothing item)
  • a lion's palm table (furniture item)
  • Remains of Honor (a portrait by the renown C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Children of Thunder (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Her Royal Highness, Queen Higgbee (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Formed Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Forge (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Formed Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 2nd level product of a crafted item)
  • Two Room Inn Rooms in the City can now be purchased at Fish's Alehouse and Inn, Irontoes East and the Lion's Mane Inn and Tavern for status points and a greatly reduced coin cost.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Fifteen:
  • dragon fastened robe (armor / clothing item)
  • a gnomish distillery (furniture item)
  • a granite pedestal (furniture item)
  • Servant of the Storm (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Rivervale Remembered (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Worked Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Forge (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Worked Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 3rd level product of a crafted item)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in South Qeynos:
    • parade halasian draft horse whistle (mount item)
    • parade steppes pony whistle (mount item)
    • halasian draft horse whistle (mount item)
    • steppes pony whistle (mount item)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Twenty:
  • luminous vanguard barbute (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard cuirass (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard gauntlets (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard greaves (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard gussets (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard sabatons (armor piece)
  • luminous vanguard spaulders (armor piece)
  • polished parade barbute (armor piece)
  • polished parade cuirass (armor piece)
  • polished parade gauntlets (armor piece)
  • polished parade greaves (armor piece)
  • polished parade gussets (armor piece)
  • polished parade sabatons (armor piece)
  • polished parade spaulders (armor piece)
  • a steamfont distillery (furniture item)
  • Nagafen Lord of Flame (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Daughter of the Void (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Gnomish Dreams (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in South Qeynos:
    • parade karana planestrider whistle (mount item)
    • parade misty mustang whistle (mount item)
    • karana planestrider whistle (mount item)
    • misty mustang whistle (mount item)
  • Three Room Houses in the City can now be purchased in South Qeynos for status points and a greatly reduced coin cost.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
Guild Level Twenty-Five:
  • a harp of jealousy (furniture item)
  • Velious Mourns (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Exodus of the Knights of Marr (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • Elaborate Chemistry Table (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Engraved Desk (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Forge (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Sewing Table & Mannequin (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Stove & Keg (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Woodworking Table (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Elaborate Work Bench (this item is capable of making the 4th level product of a crafted item)
  • Prices on the following mount types will open up for a reduced coin cost for all guild members at the Stable Hand in South Qeynos:
    • parade rujarkian clydesdale whistle (mount whistle)
    • parade elddarian charger whistle (mount whistle)
    • rujarkian clydesdale whistle (mount whistle)
    • elddarian charger whistle (mount whistle)
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
  • Male:
    • opulent male gold pantaloons (armor / clothing item)
    • opulent male gold shirt (armor / clothing item)
  • Female:
    • opulent female gold skirt (armor / clothing item)
    • opulent female gold blouse (armor / clothing item)
Guild Level Thirty:
  • a pool of divinity (furniture item)
  • an elddar cooking stove (furniture item)
  • Qeynos by Hasten Bootstrutter (A hand drawn map by Hasten Bootstrutter)
  • Freeport by Hasten Bootstrutter (A hand drawn map by Hasten Bootstrutter)
  • The Party Ends (a portrait by the renowned C.M. Brushwuttle)
  • The following new mount types will be available for purchase by all of the guild members for coin in North and South Qeynos:
    • In the Three Towers in South Qeynos - maj'dul enchanted scroll (mount whistle)
    • In the Temple of Life in North Qeynos - spirit steed summoner (mount whistle)
  • Five Room Houses in the City can now be purchased in South Qeynos for status points and coin cost. Only level 30 player guilds will have access to these prestigious homes in the city.
  • Your guild has unlocked a new city guild raid.
  • Male:
    • male formal wear (armor / clothing item)
    • Nobility: Male Qeynos Knight (The 1st title of nobility, a furniture / title item)
  • Female:
    • female formal ensemble (armor / clothing item)
    • Nobility: Female Qeynos Knight (The 1st title of nobility, a furniture / title item)
Celestial Watch
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Celestial Watch (a furniture / title item)
    • a divine pulpit (furniture item)
    • a celestial crystal ball (furniture item)
    • "The Breath of Vox" (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Celestial Watch (a furniture / title item)
    • celestial watch boots (armor piece)
    • celestial watch chestguard (armor piece)
    • celestial watch handguards (armor piece)
    • celestial watch helm (armor piece)
    • celestial watch leggings (armor piece)
    • celestial watch shoulder pads (armor piece)
    • celestial watch wristguards (armor piece)
    • "The Eye of Redemption" (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Celestial Watch (a furniture / title item)
    • celestial officer barbute (armor piece)
    • celestial officer cuirass (armor piece)
    • celestial officer gauntlets (armor piece)
    • celestial officer greaves (armor piece)
    • celestial officer gussets (armor piece)
    • celestial officer sabatons (armor piece)
    • celestial officer spaulders (armor piece)
    • a blade of the righteous (furniture item)
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: The Concordium (a furniture / title item)
    • a glass distiller bottle (furniture item)
    • a scribe's desk (furniture item)
    • an ice crystal egg (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: The Concordium (a furniture / title item)
    • concordium student's gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • concordium student's robe (armor / clothing item)
    • concordium student's shoes (armor / clothing item)
    • a lab distillery set (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • concordium officer boots (armor / clothing item)
    • concordium officer gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • concordium officer robe (armor / clothing item)
    • "In memoriam: a celebration!" (furniture item)
    • Officer: The Concordium (a furniture / title item)
    • War of Fay: The Eve of Battle (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Three (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part One (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Two (a historical tome)
    • Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three (a historical tome)
    • The Mosaic (a historical tome)
Qeynos Guard
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Qeynos Guard (a furniture / title item)
    • a guardian's weapon rack (furniture item)
    • "Sir Lucan" (furniture item)
    • an ornate chessboard set (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Qeynos Guard (a furniture / title item)
    • qeynos guard breastplate (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard gauntlets (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard helm (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard legplates (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard pauldrons (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard tonlets (armor piece)
    • qeynos guard vambraces (armor piece)
    • a pre-shattering erudian statue (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Qeynos Guard (a furniture / title item)
    • qeynos knight breastplate (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight gauntlets (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight helm (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight legplates (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight pauldrons (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight tonlets (armor piece)
    • qeynos knight vambraces (armor piece)
    • a griffin fountain of justice (furniture item)
Ironforge Exchange
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Ironforge Exchange (a furniture / title item)
    • a halasian rug (furniture item)
    • an erudin crucible (furniture item)
    • an ornate display case (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Ironforge Exchange (a furniture / title item)
    • ironforge smithing boots (armor / clothing item)
    • ironforge smithing gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • ironforge smithing pants (armor / clothing item)
    • ironforge smithing top (armor / clothing item)
    • an ornate collection box (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Ironforge Exchange (a furniture / title item)
    • ironforge bargainer boots (armor / clothing item)
    • ironforge bargainer pantaloons (armor / clothing item)
    • ironforge bargainer shirt (armor / clothing item)
    • an ornate mirror (furniture item)
Tunarian Alliance
  • amiable faction:
    • Initiate: Tunarian Alliance (a furniture / title item)
    • an outrider's cauldron (furniture item)
    • a tunarian eagle staff (furniture item)
    • a rough collection box (furniture item)
  • kindly faction:
    • Member: Tunarian Alliance (a furniture / title item)
    • tunarian woven cap (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven leggings (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven sandals (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven shawl (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven sleeves (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven vest (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian woven wraps (armor / clothing item)
    • a globe of old Norrath (furniture item)
  • warmly faction:
    • Officer: Tunarian Alliance (a furniture / title item)
    • tunarian officer boots (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian officer gloves (armor / clothing item)
    • tunarian officer robe (armor / clothing item)
    • a tunarian bow of honor (furniture item)

Last modified: 2005-03-08 11:48:36 (31573 reads) Printer Friendly Page
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