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Title FAQ

As an adventurer, you will find yourself killing many different creatures within the game. After a certain number of kills, you'll hear a drumming sound and gain a new rank. These ranks signify how many of the same type of creature you've killed. After you have become a "Master" of a certain rank, you will be given the option to actually have that rank title be part of your name tag.

Below is a chart of the current titles and the how many kills it takes to gain the title.

  • 25 - Killer
  • 100 - Initiate Hunter
  • 250 - Accomplished Hunter
  • 500 - Master Hunter
  • 1,000 - Initiate Slayer
  • 2,500 - Accomplished Slayer
  • 5,000 - Master Slayer
  • 10,000 - Destroyer ( ? )

Last modified: 2005-01-11 14:32:03 (24899 reads) Printer Friendly Page
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